
October 18, 2023

The Frank Dunn Memorial Golf Tournament was a Great Success!!

Thank you to everyone who was involved in making this years’ golf tournament a huge success. I would like to thank the following: Those who Sponsored A Hole; Companies who donated prizes; Golfers who registered a team; Stanley Mutual Insurance for Sponsoring A Hole In One; Lance and
September 21, 2023

Pick-Up of Broken Branches from Storm Lee

Village Crews will be collecting broken tree branches from last weekends storm throughout this week only. Branches should be placed curbside for pick-up. ONLY broken branches resulting from the storm will be picked up. Our regular tree mulching program takes place in the spring. LMS
August 24, 2023

Stay Safe Course – November 24, 2023

Our next Stay Safe course will be offered on Friday, November 24th at Victoria Hall. Cost is $55 and the registration form is available here. See poster for details. Please e-mail your completed registration form to the Recreation Coordinator, and she will send you the payment information.    
July 25, 2023

Host an International Student

Atlantic Education International is seeking additional homestay families to host international students who will be attending FHS and Bliss Carman this September.  Adventures, international friendships, sharing and learning new cultures are just some of the reasons to host a visiting international student through the NB International Student Program. If
July 17, 2023

FRIENDLY REMINDER: Cats Are Not Permitted to Run At Large in the Village

Residents, In accordance with Village of New Maryland Animal Control By-law No. 52-2006, Section 3(11): “No owner of animal shall suffer or permit the animal to run at large.” “Running at large” occurs when an animal is in any place other than on the property of the owner