Notice of Intention to Repeal & Replace By-Law No. 50

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Municipal Reform
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PURSUANT TO SECTION 15(4) OF THE LOCAL GOVERNANCE ACT, S.N.B. 2017, C.18, PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the Village of New Maryland intends to repeal By-law No. 50 in its entirety and replace it with By-law No. 50-2021, A By-law Respecting the Proceedings of Council and Administration, to harmonize the by-law with the recent adoption of the Local Governance Act, and to adopt further requested amendments to the by-law.

More information on the NOTICE OF INTENTION can be found here.

Click here to review the By-Law Respecting the Proceedings of Council and Administration: Procedural By-Law No. 50-2021 in its’ entirety.