June 24, 2021

Speeding in the Village

Speeding continues to be a topic of conversation among our residents. Staff of the Public Works Department have placed seven speed radars at various locations throughout the Village, and these units provide monthly data to our staff which is shared with Council. The data consistently shows that speeding
June 2, 2021

Ministerial Approval and Registry – PAC By-law # 01-2021

The purpose of the amendments to the PAC By-law were to harmonize it with recent edits to the NB Community Planning Act, consolidate previous by-law amendments, and to provide clarifications on various administrative provisions.  The Final Ad can be viewed here.  
May 28, 2021

Water Conservation Reminder

Water conservation comes naturally when everyone is aware of its importance. Water is becoming a precious resource and it is becoming more expensive to produce clean, safe water. Whether you are on a municipal or an individual domestic water supply, water conservation is a wise practice. Please visit