October 26, 2020

Pedestrian Safety

As the days grow shorter, the Village would like to encourage pedestrians to wear high visibility/ reflective clothing if walking or running on Village streets in the evenings or early mornings for your safety and so motorists can see you. If sidewalks are available, please use the sidewalks.
October 14, 2020

HEAT DETECTOR RECALL – Government of Canada

Edwards 280 Series Mechanical Heat Detector recalled due to potential failure to operate. The product may fail to activate, causing users and central monitoring stations to not be alerted to the elevated temperature in a location, which could lead to the spread of fire. Consumers who use the
September 14, 2020

Last Day of 2020 Team Up to Slow Down Campaign

This morning was the final day for this year’s Team Up to Slow Down Campaign. Mayor Judy Wilson-Shee was at the MacIntosh Dr. entrance to Applewood Acres as well as the entrance to Baker Brook Court. Thanks to all who are Teaming Up to Slow Down and keep
September 3, 2020

‘Team Up to Slow Down’ campaign commences Sept. 8th

Village Council will be holding their annual ‘Team Up to Slow Down’ campaign again this year, starting next Tuesday morning at 7:30 am, which is in conjunction with many schools that are commencing classes next week. Please remember to drive the speed limit on Village streets which is
September 1, 2020

Environmental Impact Assessment documenation – Sunrise Wellfield Development

The Village of New Maryland has registered a wellfield development project with the Dept. of Environment and Local Government to develop a new municipal wellfield, construct a water treatment plant and install water distribution piping and associated facilities to connect to the Village’s existing water distribution system at
September 1, 2020

Sunrise Wellfield Development – Project Overview and Supplementary Information

Click the following links for information regarding the Sunrise Wellfield Development Project Overview and Supplementary Information. https://vonm.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Project-Overview-and-Supplementary-Info_.pdf https://vonm.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/C-84510.70-Figure-7_.pdf