construction projects scheduled for the New Maryland Highway started this morning.

As many of you likely noticed, one of the two construction projects scheduled for the New Maryland Highway started this morning.  The contractor has adjusted the timing on the traffic signal lights that are set up near the pharmacy to accommodate the busy morning and evening traffic.  Over the past few weeks we’ve also sent notices to the municipal offices in Tracy, Fredericton Junction and Sunbury-York South Rural Community (previously Charters Settlement, Beaverdam, Nasonworth, Rusagonis areas) requesting that they advise their residents to travel to the City via the Wilsey Road to help reduce the impact to traffic flow.  The work on this project will move north along New Maryland Highway as work takes place.  DTI will also be working on a second construction project this summer with the culvert replacement at Baker Brook.  That works is scheduled to start later this month and although traffic flow is intended to continue in both directions, the construction site will slow traffic down.  We thank you for your patience during the construction season.

Important Notice to Residents, Neighbouring Areas and Motorists
June 6, 2023
Athletic Park Redevelopment Plan
June 16, 2023
Important Notice to Residents, Neighbouring Areas and Motorists
June 6, 2023
Athletic Park Redevelopment Plan
June 16, 2023