The arrival of weekly flyers can be a welcome tool for planning grocery shopping or finding the best deals for a hobby or reno project. For others, flyer deliveries are an unnecessary or an unwanted service.
Reduce and Reuse Your Flyers
- Consider switching to the online versions of flyers to reduce paper and packaging
- Alternatively reuse your flyers, they are great as recycle bin liners or for messy crafts
- Please remember that any plastic bag your flyers come in must go in your blue box and not the grey box.
Want to Opt‐Out?
You are able to Opt‐Out by contacting your local distributor directly to be removed from the distribution list. The contact information should be identified within the flyer pack.
- For general flyer delivery enquiries contact:
- or phone 1‐800‐332‐3329
- To be added/removed from the local distribution list, contact:
- ‐ Fredericton Region Distribution Supervisor
You can also post a sign in your window or on your mailbox to serve as a friendly reminder to the delivery contractors. For your convenience, laminated “NO FLYER” window signs are available for pick‐up at the Village Office.