Speeding in the Village

Speeding continues to be a topic of conversation among our residents. Staff of the Public Works Department have placed seven speed radars at various locations throughout the Village, and these units provide monthly data to our staff which is shared with Council. The data consistently shows that speeding is the exception, not the rule. However, if a problem area is identified, that information is shared with the RCMP .

Just a reminder that if the radar does not flash your speed it doesn’t mean it’s not working; it has been set to “ghost mode”. We also have children “silhouettes” which are moveable and we have identified designated locations where these will be placed throughout the coming months.

If you do witness excessive speeders or dangerous driving, we encourage you to contact the RCMP. Doing so creates case files which the detachment uses in order to allocate their patrols to areas of concern.

What else can you do? We have “Keep it to 40” signs available for pick-up at the Village Office. You can also be a good neighbour and watch your own speed, especially around the school and in the residential streets. For more information, please contact the Village Office throughout the day. LMS


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