The Frank Dunn Memorial Golf Tournament was a Great Success!!

Thank you to everyone who was involved in making this years’ golf tournament a huge success.

I would like to thank the following:

  • Those who Sponsored A Hole;
  • Companies who donated prizes;
  • Golfers who registered a team;
  • Stanley Mutual Insurance for Sponsoring A Hole In One;
  • Lance and Nowlan for all of their help;
  • A special acknowledgment to Cassidi Phillips, BDC Sales Representative & Marketing Coordinator, for the support we received from Riverview Ford Lincoln & Riverview Honda;
  • My assistant Tina;
  • Marie for the fudge; and
  • Pat and her daughter for the cookies.

We raised a little over $6,500 that will go toward the Athletic Park Redevelopment Project.

Mayor Judy Wilson-Shee























October 17, 2023
You may notice Village Public Works staff planting trees today at various locations along Lynda Lane, Crown Avenue, Kimberley Street and Alban Street.
November 1, 2023
October 17, 2023
You may notice Village Public Works staff planting trees today at various locations along Lynda Lane, Crown Avenue, Kimberley Street and Alban Street.
November 1, 2023