Climate Change Adaptation Strategy
Village Council’s commitment to preparing for the climate of the future reached new milestones with the adoption of the Village’s Municipal Plan amendments in 2016 and the revised New Maryland Strategic Plan in 2017. The Municipal and Strategic Plans both outlined an awareness for the need to more fully incorporate climate change considerations into Village planning and operations.
With financial support from the New Brunswick Environmental Trust Fund, in May 2018 Council committed to undertake development of a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy to identify key climate risks and opportunities and guide ongoing monitoring and tracking of progress in efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
Stantec Consulting Ltd. engaged with Council, staff and other stakeholders in supporting the Village in this effort to create a strategy and promote a green and energy efficient community that is resilient to climate change.
The Climate Change Adaptation Strategy will enhance awareness of the presently unknown or underappreciated risks to municipal operations, natural assets and public safety.
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