The Village of New Maryland would like to remind residents of the importance of water consumption during this dry weather. Please take the time to read the following information and click here to see the Village’s Green Plan
Water conservation comes naturally when everyone is aware of its importance. Water is becoming a precious resource and is becoming more expensive to produce clean, safe water. Whether you are on a municipal or an individual domestic water supply, water conservation is a wise practice.
Here are some reasons why you might want to use less water:
- to save money on your water bills
- to save money on your power bills by using less energy to heat and pump water
- to delay or prevent the expansion of costly water and wastewater treatment plants which can save money on taxes
- to be a good environmental steward
Water conservation lets us do all the things we did before – only with less water. It’s a matter of finding ways to stop wasting it.
Did You Know?
- A tap leaking one drop of water per second wastes more than 25 L of water a day which is 9,000 L a year!
- A five minute shower with a standard showerhead uses 100 L of water.
- A five minute shower with a low-flow showerhead uses 35 L of water.
- About 75% of indoor home water use occurs in our bathrooms and toilets are the single largest water users. Toilets use over 40% more water than needed!
Water Conservation Tips
In the Bathroom:
- Have showers instead of baths and keep them short (five minutes).
- Install low-flow showerheads.
- Use an aerator and a water-flow reducer attachment.
- Turn off the water while brushing your teeth or washing your hands.
- Repair any toilet tank, bowl or base leaks. You can check the tank for leaks by adding food colouring to the water tank and observing whether it spreads to the bowl without flushing.
- Don’t use the toilet as a wastebasket.
- Install a low-flush toilet (that uses six litres or less per flush), or place a toilet insert or weighted plastic bottle filled with water in the water tank.
- Rinse your razor in a sink filled with a few inches of warm water.
In the Kitchen:
- When washing dishes by hand, don’t leave the water running for rinsing.
- Wash vegetables in a sink filled with a few inches of water instead of under the tap.
- Use your dishwasher and clothes washer for only full loads.
Around the House and Outside:
- Repair leaky faucets and always turn off your taps tightly so they don’t drip. Even a small drip can waste tons of water.
- Insulate hot water pipes with pre-slit foam pipe insulation to avoid wasting water as it heats up.
- Water your lawn only when it needs it, provide a deep soak and avoid the heat of the day or windy days.
- Add organic matter around shrubs and flower beds to help increase absorption and water retention.
- Don’t continually run the hose while washing the car.
- Use a broom, not a hose, to clean driveways and sidewalks.