Emergency Planning Preparedness

First Aid Training
January 21, 2025
Village of New Maryland Outdoor Rink:
January 28, 2025
First Aid Training
January 21, 2025
Village of New Maryland Outdoor Rink:
January 28, 2025

The Village has been asked recently about our emergency planning preparedness. The fires and tornadoes in the US serve as a reminder of the need for all communities to be prepared to handle emergency situations. Our staff work diligently, in conjunction with various organizations, to be as prepared as possible for natural or man-made disasters. Our Emergency Response Plan Committee is co-chaired by our Fire Chief and our CAO, and they oversee the budget for the committee and the purchases required to operate our Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) and municipal services. Staff members in our EOC include the Fire Chief, CAO, Assistant Clerk, Administrative Assistant, Public Works Supervisor, Treasurer and Building Inspector/Development Officer. Other administrative staff are responsible for social media posts, reception centres, etc. We would not be able to operate our EOC without the continued support of representatives from the following organizations: Canadian Red Cross, Fredericton Amateur Radio Club, York Sunbury Ground Search and Rescue, Ambulance NB, Horizon Health Network, Anglophone West School District, Faith Baptist Church, New Maryland Lions Club, the Parish of New Maryland Zoomers, our EOC Director and NB EMO. We’d like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank those organizations and reiterate to our residents that our staff work hard to ensure the safety of our community. For more information, please click here.